So far I've shown you a lot of various techniques but we haven't really put it together yet. So let's do that now, let's put together a new paper front page.

Here's the design:

The News Times design

Here are the product requirements:

  • Implement however you see fit. There are many right ways to do this.
  • The nav links at the tops are indeed links. It should underline whenever a user hovers on it.
  • You can put any image there but I used
  • I'll give you the HTML (since in this section we're just worried about CSS.) Grab the HTML here (you'll have to right-click and click "View Source"). You don't necessarily have to modify the HTML but you can if you want to.

See my version of the CSS here once you've tried yourself. It's okay to struggle. This is putting a lot of hard stuff together. Give it a shot before looking at how I did it. A learning is doing while you struggle.

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