Editor Setup

Let's quickly add one more file to our project that makes everything run a bit more smoothly for everyone on the team. There's a project called EditorConfig. EditorConfig is a file that tells your editor how to set all the settings (indent, spacing, end-of-file characters, etc.) so your editor maintains a consistent setup. Prettier would ultimately fix all the problems upon save but it's just helpful to have it work continually and not have to fiddle with your editor.

Add the following to the root of your project and call it .editorconfig.

root = true

end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
charset = utf-8
indent_style = space
indent_size = 2

This is about as basic as you can get. Feel free to customize your style. You can also configure it by file type e.g. you can have two spaces in JavaScript and four in Python. This basic one suits our needs.


Be sure to nab the extension for VSCode too. This is what will set your editor up when you have an .editorconfig file in your project.


One neat part of this setup is that Prettier by default reads .editorconfig files and incorporates the settings, no additional setup or duplication needed.