Here is your first HTML project!

We're making your personal blog. Feel free to use the project we started in the last lesson. Here are your requirements

  • Your blog has two pages: index.html and about.html
  • Your index.html needs a title and a quick intro.
  • Your index also needs a link to about.html.
  • You blog must have five posts on it (you can just keep it all on the same page).
  • Each post needs:
    • A title
    • An author
    • The date it was posted (feel free to make up times)
    • The text of the blog post. Bonus points if there are multiple paragraphs. Feel free to use Lorem Ipsum if you want placeholder text.
    • Bonus points for images.
  • Your about.html needs
    • The name of your blog
    • A few paragraphs about you
    • A list of your recent jobs/schools/accomplishments

Quick note on how to do an image: put the image in the same directory as the index.html and about.html and then put <img src="the-name-of-the-file.jpg" alt="a text description of what the image is for sight-impaired folks" /> to render the image.

This will mostly be black and white and that's okay. You can come back and restyle this later with CSS.

Here is my example: Brian's Blog (you'll have to right click and say "View Source")

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