
Now that that is done, let's go do Carousel.tsx

import { Component, MouseEvent, ReactNode } from "react";

// above Carousel
interface IProps {
  images: string[];

// add types to class
class Carousel extends Component<IProps> {}

// add types to state
state = {
  active: 0

// modify handleIndexClick
handleIndexClick = (event: MouseEvent<HTMLElement>): void => {
  if (!( instanceof HTMLElement)) {

  if ( {

// add return type
render(): ReactNode { }
  • React.Component is a generic, in that it can accept other types. Here we're telling it what its state and props will look like. We start the interfaces off with a capital I because this signifies that this is an interface. This is a common pattern and one TSLint enforced but ESLint doesn't by deafult. I'm showing you so you can make your own call.
  • We could specify an IState as well as a second parameter to the Component generic but since we have the state = {} it can infer that without us doing that.
  • We need to type the event type coming back from the DOM. We know it'll come from an HTML element, and we have to make sure it's not a generic window event. TypeScript forces a lot of this defensive programming.

Carousel is done.

🏁 Click here to see the state of the project up until now: typescript-3